A Magical Naptime Series that will Enchant Your Children to Dreamland!
The Snugawinks of Cuddleton Falls is the perfect naptime or bedtime story for parents and children alike. Cuddle up with Netty and Naysker and Champers and Pike who live in Cuddleton Falls, a place beyond the stars to the left of the moon. In this far away land made of pillows and blankets and candy and toys, playtime is outdoors and naptime is a holiday. The four siblings all snuggle in their beds and take off to Dreamland in a lollipop truck. A rhyming picture book for children, The Snugawinks of Cuddleton Falls enchants young readers and engages their imaginations through this naptime or bedtime story about kids who live in a magical place.
The Snugawinks of Cuddleton Falls, Off to Dreamland is the second of The Snugawinks of Cuddleton Falls series, and the perfect naptime or bedtime story for children of all ages. Would you like to glide down a river of ice cream, travel on roads made of sparkling stardust, or dive with dolphins? Meet the Snugawinks in your dreams, those magical friends who will be your guides through this colorful, charming fantasy land—a place where anything is possible. With playful rhymes and whimsical illustrations, let Netty and Naysker and Champers and Pike lead you and your children on a journey that will have you reading this book again and again. The Snugawinks of Cuddleton Falls and The Snugawinks of Cuddleton Falls, Off to Dreamland are the perfect children's naptime or bedtime books that will magically enchant children to snuggle their way with a loved one to Dreamland. These beautifully illustrated, rhyming picture books are the ideal gift for birthdays and holidays. |